Task 4: Static and dynamic obstacles
4.1 General description
This task is all about safety. The robots will drive through the field as in task 1, but without
skipping the rows. In addition, they will have to detect static and dynamic obstacles that might
/ will come in its path. If the obstacle is dynamic, the robot will stop and make an acoustic
sound and / or visual indication (eg. bright flashes) and the obstacle will move in 5 seconds,
which means that the robot can continue the driving. If the obstacle is static, it will not move,
and the robot must drive back and continue in to the next row.
As in task 3, the robots might encounter an obstacle, but now while driving. For this task there will be 5 obstacles on the field; 3 of them dynamic, and 2 of them static. For dynamic obstacles, a picture of a human will be placed and removed once a clear indicator (audio or visual sign) will be given by the robot. If no indication will be made, the obstacle will remain in its path and the robot will have to move backwards and continue into the next row and this will count as a false positive. For static obstacles, an image of a deer will be placed on the path of the robot and will not be removed, where the robot must give a clear indication what it recognized. If the robot gives a wrong indication it will count as a false positive.
In contrast to the previous task, the pictures of the obstacles will be provided to the teams before the event.
Crop plant damage by the robot will result in a penalty of 2% of total row length distance in meter per damaged plant. (Example: 10 rows x 10 m = 100 m max. distance, means a penalty of 2 m per damaged plant.)
4.2 Rules for robots
Each robot must start after a starting indication (acoustic signal) within 1 min. The maximum
available time is 5 min.
4.3 Points distribution
The jury assesses the detection and classification during the run:

Task 5: Freestyle
Teams are invited to let their real robot perform freestyle on the event venue. The explanation as well as the performance must be shown to the jury and the spectators. The team must explain the idea and the machine. Comments during the robot’s performance are also welcome. Creativity and fun are required for this task as well as an application-oriented performance. The freestyle task should be related to an agricultural application. Teams will have a time limit of five minutes for the presentation including the robot’s performance.
Points distribution
The jury will assess by points P the
- P1 : agronomic idea (originality)
- P2 : technical complexity
- P3 : robot performance
Points P will be given from 0 (insufficient) to 10 (excellent) for each criterion (P1, P2 and P3).
The total points will be calculated using the following formula:
final points = P1 + P2 + P3
End results
The teams will collect their points by combining the results of first 4 tasks. For each of the
tasks the team can get up to 25% of the points for the overall assessment and the percentage
for each of the task will calculated based on the point they won divided by points won by the
winning team of that task. To avoid possible negative points, all points will be subtracted by
the lowest points achieved in that task. So, the final scores will be calculated as follows:

where x is the number of the team, points(n,x) represent the points for team x in task n, and
task(n) and a vector of all the points for that specific task (n).