Important updates for teams

  • The containers for the field robot event are now available at Github! Further information can be found in the
  • The ground texture has been updated. It does not longer contain images of weeds.
  • Changes in the task:
    • All tasks: The starting will always be on the right side of the field. (first turn left)
    • Task 2: A file with the code of the path pattern to be followed is made available to robot at the start.
    • Task 3: Assessment differentiates more clearly between detection during run and classification and accuracy of mapped objects.

The overall winner of the event is Helios evo!

Helios evo and Carbonite ended up with the same number of points (105) and also TAFR and Dschubba had the same number of points (97)

If two or more teams have the same number of points for the overall ranking, the team with the better placements during all four tasks (1, 2, 3 and 4) will be ranked higher.

Which makes Helios evo the winner, a second place for Carbonite and a third place for TAFR. Dscubba became fourth.