Team: Team FloriBot.
Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Mechanics and Electronics.
Team Captain: Benedict Bauer.
Team: Team FloriBot.
Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Mechanics and Electronics.
Team Captain: Benedict Bauer.
Team: Farmbeast.
University of Maribor, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Chair of Biosystems Engineering.
Team Captain: Kristijan Polovič.
Team: TAFR robotics.
Team Captain: Urban Bobek.
Team: WURking.
Wageningen University and Research, Farm Technology group.
Team Captain: Rick van Essen.
Team: Field Robot Event Design Team (FREDT).
Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institut für mobile Maschinen und Nutzfahrzeuge.
Team Captain: David Bernzen.
Team: Carbonite.
Schülerforschungszentrum Südwürttemberg (SFZ) e.V., Standort Überlingen.
Team Captain: Klara Fauser.
Team: Robatic 2021.
Wageningen University & Research, Farm Technology group.
Team Captain: Thomas Frankes.
Team: KaMaRo Engineering.
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
Team Captain: Johannes Bier.
Team: DTU Maize Runner 1.0.
Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Electrical Engineering, Department of control and automation.
Team Captain: Stefan Larsen.
Team: AgcHOH Robotics.
University of Hohenheim, Technology in crop production
Team Captain: Lars Krämer.
Team: CERES Team.
Münster University of Applied Sciences, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Team Captain: Marc Funcke.
Now on Git a new world with waste and weeds is available. Check:
Have a look at the contest and tasks pages. They have been updated for the online event!
FarmBeast showed a so-called automatic tool changer in the freestyle task. This is an implement with various tools such as a mower and a laser cutter. Depending on the task that has to be performed, a tool holder takes one of the tools and moves it to the object to be treated.